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Not Sure Where to Start? How to Begin the Conversation Around Charitable Giving

Not Sure Where to Start? How to Begin the Conversation Around Charitable Giving

As attorneys, CPAs, and financial advisors, you’re used to tackling tough subjects. The combination of money, family, and planning for the future can create emotionally charged environments in even the best circumstances. Whether you’re working through tax planning, updating wills and trusts, or managing retirement strategies, these conversations often carry significant weight.

Given that, it might seem surprising that charitable giving—a generally positive and uplifting topic—can feel awkward to bring up. Why do so many advisors hesitate? Maybe you’re concerned about taking the conversation in a direction your client isn’t prepared for. Maybe you’re not fully comfortable with the technical aspects of charitable giving, such as tax implications or the specifics of setting up donor-advised funds or charitable remainder trusts. Or, you might wonder if your client has any philanthropic interest at all.

Here’s some good news: You don’t need to have all the answers or expertise in charitable giving. That’s where your local community foundation comes in. By partnering with a foundation like the Athens Area Community Foundation, you can confidently open up these conversations, knowing that support is readily available. Let’s explore how to make these discussions easier and more meaningful for both you and your clients.

Clients Want You to Ask

It’s important to remember that clients expect you to raise the topic of charitable giving. Studies have shown that many clients would welcome the conversation, but they might not initiate it themselves. Often, there’s a disconnect between what clients expect and what advisors assume. You may think you’ve covered charitable giving in your conversations, but the client may not feel the same.

The key difference? It’s all about approach. Were you simply checking a box, or did you ask with sincere curiosity? Did you follow up on your client’s interests? These distinctions matter to your clients, and they’re looking to you to guide them. Even if you don’t feel fully prepared to discuss the intricacies of charitable tax deductions or philanthropy strategies like Qualified Charitable Distributions, you have access to experts who can help. That’s where the Athens Area Community Foundation steps in.

You don’t need to be a charitable planning expert—that’s what we’re here for. If your client expresses interest in giving back, our team is just a call or email away, ready to assist with everything from donor-advised funds to complex charitable strategies.

Keep It Simple

We understand that your meetings with clients are often packed, and finding time to discuss charitable giving might seem difficult. However, even a brief mention can lead to a powerful conversation. Charitable giving doesn’t have to be a deep dive into tax codes and legal structures right off the bat. Sometimes, the simplest conversations are the most effective.

Here’s one approach you could try during your next client meeting:
“Now that we’ve reviewed your financial plan, I’d like to touch on charitable giving. What community organizations are you involved with, or are there causes you’ve considered supporting through your financial plan?”

This simple question opens the door for your client to share their interests. If they aren’t involved in charitable work, they’ll tell you. And if they are, you’ve created a chance to discuss how they can align their charitable goals with their financial plan.

No matter where the conversation goes, letting your client know that you’re interested in their values and causes is key. From there, you can offer to connect them with the Athens Area Community Foundation. Even better, suggest inviting one of our professionals to your next meeting to explore how we can help. Your role is to bring the right team members together to ensure your clients reach their philanthropic objectives.

Simple Approach, Big Impact

Sometimes the simplest conversations are the most impactful. A two-minute discussion about charitable giving may lead to a long-lasting relationship between your clients and the causes they care about. And, as their advisor, you’ve shown that you value what matters most to them, beyond just the numbers.

At the Athens Area Community Foundation, we’re honored to be your partner in these conversations. Together, we can help your clients make a lasting impact in the community, fulfilling their charitable goals and building a legacy that will benefit others for years to come.
The next time you meet with a client, take a moment to ask about their philanthropic interests. You may find that this small step leads to meaningful, long-term relationships—both for your clients and for the causes they are passionate about.

Become a Donor

The Athens Area Community Foundation is a public grantmaking foundation that builds community by encouraging long term giving through funds created by caring donors.

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